Researches on the quantum theory

Researches on the quantum theory

researches on the quantum theory

Oct 26,  · The Zuchongzhi quantum computer, named after a 5th century mathematician, is capable of performing previously impossible tasks, according to its Chinese development team Quantum field theory emerged from the work of generations of theoretical physicists spanning much of the 20th century. Its development began in the s with the description of interactions between light and electrons, culminating in the first quantum field theory—quantum electrodynamics.A major theoretical obstacle soon followed with the appearance and persistence of various infinities in Jan 06,  · Although theory testing dominates much of the standard philosophical literature on observation, much of what this entry says about the role of observation in theory testing applies also to its role in inventing, and modifying theories, and applying them to tasks in engineering, medicine, and other practical enterprises

Quantum field theory - Wikipedia

Financial aid available. Each of the four courses will deepen your understanding more and more. The first course acquaints you at a basic level with idea of computation, with the mathematical and physical principles that should be laid down in the construction of any model of quantum computing.

The researches on the quantum theory course will introduce you to the physical principles of quantum computing. Much attention is paid to such phenomena as quantum entanglement, quantum parallelism, and quantum interference. Thus, we will look at the same phenomena, but from a different angle. The third course is devoted to a deeper study of the problem. It is a mathematical look at quantum computing models and the problems of quantum algorithms.

Deutsch's Problem is discussed in detail here, as well as Shor's and Grover's Algorithms. Finally, the last, fourth course of the specialization introduces you to an alternative model of quantum computing — one-way measurement-based quantum computation. The program will build on any professional experience you have related to quantum technology, quantum information science, researches on the quantum theory, and quantum computing.

A Coursera Specialization is a series of courses that helps you master a skill. To begin, enroll in the Specialization directly, or researches on the quantum theory its courses and choose the one you'd like to start with.

Visit your learner dashboard to track your course enrollments and your progress. Every Specialization includes a hands-on project. You'll need to successfully finish the project s to complete the Specialization and earn your certificate. If the Specialization includes a separate course for the hands-on project, you'll need to finish each of the other courses before you can start it. When you finish every course and complete the hands-on project, you'll earn a Certificate that you can share with prospective employers and your professional network.

This is yet one more introductory course on quantum computing. Here I concentrate more on how the mathematical model of quantum computing grows out from physics and experiment, while omitting most of the formulas when possible and rigorous proofs. On the first week I try to explain in researches on the quantum theory language I hope where the computational power of a quantum computer comes from, and why it is so hard to implement it.

To understand the materials of this week you don't need math above the school level. Second and third weeks are about the mathematical model of quantum computing, and how it is justified experimentally. Some more math is required here. I introduce the notion of a linear vector space, researches on the quantum theory, discuss some simple differential equations and use complex numbers.

The forth week is dedicated to the mathematical researches on the quantum theory of quantum mechanics. You might need this if you want to dig deeper into subject, however I touch only the tip of the iceberg here. On the week 5 I finally introduce some simple quantum algorithms for cryptography and teleportation. Quantum information and quantum computations is a new, rapidly developing branch of physics that has arisen from quantum mechanics, mathematical physics and classical information theory.

Significant interest in this area is explained by researches on the quantum theory great prospects that will open upon the implementation of its ideas, capturing researches on the quantum theory all areas of human activity related to the transfer, storage and processing of information.

The purpose of this course is to show the basic ideas of quantum informatics, as well as the physical laws and basic mathematical principles. It is these phenomena that underlie most of the known quantum protocols and algorithms, which are devoted to individual sections of this course.

In particular, from the course, students will learn about quantum teleportation, quantum algorithms, quantum error correction and other topics related to the quantum computations theory. As a result of the course, the students will be able to master the modern mathematical apparatus of quantum mechanics used in quantum computations, master the ideas that underlie the most important quantum logic algorithms and protocols for transmitting and processing quantum information, and learn how to solve problems on these topics.

About The course consists of six modules, which are arranged in two parts. The first part Modules focuses on the mathematical apparatus and the foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Physical laws and processes which underlay quantum computations are extensively described. In the second part of the course Moduleswe show how quantum computations, quantum logic algorithms and protocols of quantum information transfer could be implemented using the laws of quantum physics and phenomena discussed in the first part.

Module 1 focuses on the postulates of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information Theory. We introduce the important concept of a qubit and consider variants of its physical implementation.

Certain statistical aspects of quantum theory are discussed. The concept of density matrix and separability, the notion of pure and mixed quantum states are introduced. In Module 2 we focus on the phenomenon of quantum entanglement researches on the quantum theory the mathematical description of entangled physical systems. We also describe an experiment aimed to test Bell inequalities and consider the well-known EPR paradox. In Module 3 we compare classical and quantum computations.

Particularly, elementary logical elements gates and the simplest commutation schemes are described. The distinctive features of quantum computations are explained in Module 4. In particular, the No-Cloning theorem is proved, which forbids one to copy a qubit, quantum parallelism and superdense coding are discussed. We also describe in detail the protocol of quantum teleportation and give an example of its physical implementation.

In Module 6 we discuss quantum and classical error correction theory: we highlight their differences and similarities, classify the possible error types and describe protocols of their correction. The material is given in a form of short but informative videos with presentations and a detailed syllabus. At the end of every module, there are tests and control tasks according to the discussed topics. The tasks are organized in the form of problems and tests with multiple choice.

Every module is supplemented with a literature list, which contains references on the mentioned researches and extra sources for self-study. Requirements Solid knowledge in linear algebra and calculus, basic knowledge in atom and quantum physics. Interest in quantum physics and quantum information theory. Program Module 1. Statistical aspects of quantum mechanics.

Physical implementation of a qubit. Qubits as a quantum unit of information. Bloch Sphere. Pure and mixed states of quantum systems. Density matrix and its properties.

Qubit systems. Inseparability of quantum systems. The reduced density matrix, researches on the quantum theory. Module 2. Quantum entanglement. Schmidt decomposition. EPR paradox. Bell inequalities. Module 3. Classical and quantum logical operations. General principles of classical computations. The simplest classical computations. Landauer principle.

Reversible gates. Pauli matrices. Single-qubit logic gates. Controlled quantum logic gates. Module 4. Superdense coding. Module 5, researches on the quantum theory. Quantum Algorithms.

Deutsch algorithm. Deutsch—Jozsa algorithm. Quantum Fourier Transform. Eigenvalue algorithm. Shor's algorithm for integer factorization. Module 6. Basics of error correction theory, researches on the quantum theory. Distinctive features of classical error correction theory.

Classical three-bit code. Distinctive features of quantum error correction theory. Three-qubit code. The reasons of this state of affairs may be numerous, but possibly the most significant among them is that it is a relatively new scientific area, and it's clear interpretations are not yet widely spread, researches on the quantum theory. The main obstacle here is the word "quantum", which refers to quantum mechanics - one of the most counter-intuitive ways to describe our world.

But fear not! This is not a course on quantum mechanics.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains The Weirdness of Quantum Physics

, time: 10:24

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researches on the quantum theory

Sep 30,  · Max Planck, in full Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, (born April 23, , Kiel, Schleswig [Germany]—died October 4, , Göttingen, Germany), German theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize for Physics in Planck made many contributions to theoretical physics, but his fame rests primarily on his role as originator of the quantum theory Researches make use of microwave beams or lasers for manipulating qubits. The final result of a computation immediately collapses to a quantum state of 1 or 0. It is the entanglement in which two members of a pair are present in a single quantum state. Quantum Annealing: Google is showing a great focus and interest in the theory of Oct 26,  · The Zuchongzhi quantum computer, named after a 5th century mathematician, is capable of performing previously impossible tasks, according to its Chinese development team

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