Internet Security Essay. What will US politics and the economy be like as we progress through the twenty-first century? There is no single vision, but many people perceive a type of digital democracy. The use of information via Internet or World Wide Web will dramatically change politics and the way government takes blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Internet Security. Abstract. Online users today are faced with multitude of problems and issues. A typical online user is vulnerable to virus, worms, bugs, Trojan horses etc.; he/she is also exposed to sniffers, spoofing their private sessions; and they are also vulnerable to phishing of financial information Essay about Internet Security. Words6 Pages. Internet Security. Security is crucial to any flourishing society such as the one in which we Americans live today. Imagine if there was no law enforcement in New York City. No one except criminals would dare to walk down the streets. People would live in fear every day
Internet Security Essay Essay on
Essay Examples. Many people today are familiar with the Internet and its use. A large number of its users however, are not aware of the security problems they face when using the Internet, internet security essay. Most users feel they are anonymous when on-line, yet in actuality they are not. There are internet security essay very easy ways to protect the user from future problems.
The Internet has brought many advantages to its users but has also created some major problems. Most people believe that they are anonymous when they are using the Internet.
Security is a major issue with internet security essay Internet because the general public now has access to it. When only the government and higher education had access, there was no worry about credit card numbers and other types of important data being taken.
There are many advantages the Internet brings to its users, but there are also many problems with the Internet security, especially when dealing with personal security, business security, and the government involvement to protect the users.
The Internet is a new, barely regulated frontier, and there are many reasons to be concerned internet security essay security. The same features that make the Internet so appealing such as interactivity, versatile communication, and customizability also make it an internet security essay way for someone to keep a careful watch on the user without them being aware of it Lemmons 1. It may not seem like it but it is completely possible to build a personal profile on someone just by tracking them in cyperspace.
Every action a person does while logged onto the Internet is recorded somewhere Boyan, Codel, and Parekh 3. If a person cannot be secure and have privacy on the Internet, the whole system will fail.
According to the Center for Democracy and Technology CDTany website can find out whose server and the location of the server a person used to get on the Internet, whether his computer is Windows or DOS based, and also the Internet browser that was used. This internet security essay the only information that can be taken legally. However, it can safely be assumed that in some cases much more data is actually taken 1. Internet security essay are just a few of the many ways for people to find out the identity of an individual and what they are doing when n the Internet.
One of the most common ways for webmasters to find out information about the user is to use passive recording of transactional information. What this does is record the movements the user had on a website. It can tell where the user came from, internet security essay, how long he stayed, what files he looked at, and where he went when he left.
This information is totally legal to obtain, and often the webmaster will use it to see internet security essay parts of his site attracts the most attention. By doing this, he can improve his site for the people that return often Boyan, Codel, and Parekh 2. In the past, the user did not need to be concerned about the browser he used; that changed when Netscape Navigator 2. Netscape 2. Java uses the browser to activate programs to better enhance the website the user was viewing.
Netscape has issued new releases that fix some but not all of the internet security essay dozen holes in internet security essay program Methvin 3. Many people do not realize that they often give information to websites by doing something called direct disclosure.
Direct disclosure is just that, the user gives the website information such as their e-mail address, real address, internet security essay, phone number, and any other information that is requested. E-mail is like a postcard.
E-mail is not like mailing a letter in an envelope. Every carrier that touches that e-mail can read it if they choose. Not only can the carriers see the message on the e-mail, but it can also be electronically intercepted and read by hackers. This can all be done without the sender or the receiver ever knowing anything had happened Pepper 1. The only way to secure e-mail is by encryption. This makes an envelope that the hacker cannot penetrate. A way to protect a persons e-mail is to use an autoremailer.
Cookies are merely some encoded data that the website sends to the browser when the user leaves the site. This data will be retrieved when the user returns at a later time. Personal security is an important issue that needs to be dealt with but business security is also a major concern. While electronic attacks are increasing more rapidly than any other kind, a large number of data break-ins are from the inside. While electronic espionage is increasing, internet security essay, so is the ability to protect internet security essay systems.
There are many ways for businesses to protect themselves. They can use a variety of techniques such as firewalls and encryption. Firewalls are one of the most commonly used security devices.
They are usually placed at the internet security essay to a network. The firewalls keep unauthorized users out while admitting authorized users only to the areas of the network to which they should have access. The second problem is that firewalls use passwords to keep intruders out. Passwords, a major key to firewalls, internet security essay, are also the most basic of security measures.
Just in case an intruder does get through the first layer of security, a ood backup is to have all the data on the system encrypted. Many browsers come with their own encryption schemes, but companies can buy their own stand-alone packages as well. Most encryption packages are based on a public-private key with their own private encryption key to unlock the code for a message and decipher it.
Businesses need protection but they cannot do it alone, internet security essay. The Federal government will have to do its part if the Internet is going to give us all the eturns possible. Businesses will not use the Internet if they do not have support from the government. The closest rules that come to setting a standard of privacy is an assortment of laws beginning with the Constitution and continuing down to local laws, internet security essay.
These laws unfortunately, are not geared for the Internet, internet security essay. Now, because of the booming interest and activity on the Internet in both he personal and the business level, the government has started investigating the Internet and working on ways to protect the users. The Federal Bureau of Investigation FBIthe Central Intelligence Agency CIAinternet security essay, and the National Security Agency have all devoted small units to fighting computer security crimes.
After Senate hearings, the Justice Department proposed that a full-time task force be set up internet security essay study the vulnerability of the nations informational infrastructure. This would create a rapid-response team for investigating computer crimes. Security for the Internet is improving, it is just that the usage of the Internet is growing much faster. At best, all users should have passwords to protect themselves, any businesses need to put up firewalls at all internet security essay of entry.
These are low cost security measures which should not be over looked in a possible multi-billion dollar industry, internet security essay. Essays Find a Tutor. APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Essay Examples. February Internet Security Essay. Copy to Clipboard Reference Copied to Clipboard. Internet Security Essay [Internet].
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Internet Security Essay. What will US politics and the economy be like as we progress through the twenty-first century? There is no single vision, but many people perceive a type of digital democracy. The use of information via Internet or World Wide Web will dramatically change politics and the way government takes blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Essay about Internet Security. Words6 Pages. Internet Security. Security is crucial to any flourishing society such as the one in which we Americans live today. Imagine if there was no law enforcement in New York City. No one except criminals would dare to walk down the streets. People would live in fear every day Internet Security Essay. Many people today are familiar with the Internet and its use. A large number of its users however, are not aware of the security problems they face when using the Internet. Most users feel they are anonymous when on-line, yet in actuality they are not. There are some very easy ways to protect the user from future blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins
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