Cold war term paper

Cold war term paper

cold war term paper

Sep 22,  · Cold war (Term Paper Sample) Instructions: Project description Hi this is my term paper. You have to use the readings blow. It doesn't really matter how many quote you use, but be sure your opinion and explanations. Thank you Essential reading for paper: 1. William R. Keylor, The Twentieth Century World and Beyond (5th ed) + one other 11/11/ · Xi is right about one observation: unlike Cold War visions of the past this one would be like no other. For a start China is no USSR, in that it is an economic powerhouse more intertwined with the The Cold War: Causes, Treaties, and Ongoing Tensions. This 6 page paper traces the root causes of the Cold War all the way back to the Russian Civil War and discusses how the tensions premier.

Cold war Term Paper - Words

The Cold War was cold war term paper repercussion of World War II following the emergence of two key supremacy blocs in Europe one of which was subjugated by ideologies of the democracy of the capitalist America. The other one was led by communism and the Soviet Union ideologies.

The two blocs never involved themselves in actual battlefields. InBaruch, an adviser to Harry Truman, popularised the term Cold War. Baruch used the words Cold War while addressing the legislature of South Carolina State on 16 April Baruch and Melly One can trace the origins of the Cold War back based on the relations that existed between the United States, Soviet Union, cold war term paper, France, and Britain between and as the paper reveals.

The revolution that occurred in Russia in to form the Soviet Russia forms the basis of the Cold War based on the big differences of ideologies and economic positions that arose between the western powers and the capitalist nations, cold war term paper. This was happening at a time when Russia was isolated by other major nations in matters of global diplomacy Lee and Josey There existed variations in economic and political organisation in Russia.

The western powers took advantage of this situation to predate Russia. Inthe United States of America sent its troops to Russia to assist the anti-Bolsheviks during the civil war in Russia. This was the first major source of suspicion of the Soviet concerning the Capitalist America Gaddis and Lenny At this point Russia had differed with the western powers due to its decision to become part of the democratic capitalist cold war term paper of the world during the 19 th century.

This formed the basis of the mistrust that ensued later on between the two blocs and hence the Cold War, cold war term paper.

This fuelled the gap between America and Russia further through fear and mistrust. Another foundation of the Cold War is the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. This followed the signing of a trade pact by Germany and the Soviet Union Ericson This agreement was to allow the exchange of civilian and military equipments from Germany for industrial raw materials from the Soviet Union Shirerp.

This was known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. However, this agreement had a hidden side where Germany and Russia agreed to control the eastern part of Europe and Poland by themselves Day et al This was followed by the invasion of Poland by Germany just a week later Tearsy and Kennedy However, this agreement was broken by Germany in due to a series of aggressions. The two powers continued to trade especially through the Soviet Union acquiring weapons from Germany in exchange of rubber, oil, and manganese.

This was a foundation of the relationship between the two powers before the World War II. With the Soviet Union unsatisfied with this, cold war term paper, other countries suspected that the Soviets could decide to attack them any time when they were unaware and hence the war.

When Germany invaded Russia, the soviet united with the western European countries and with America. This was aimed at winning against Adolf Hitler who was their seemingly common and major enemy. This war changed the balance of power in the world.

Europe became weaker while the United States and Russia became super powers, cold war term paper. These super powers had a great strength of the military. The alliances formed at this point were war based. They did not live long since, by the beginning ofevery side of the alliance was looking at its own interest of the war.

For example, Russia took control of many parts of the Eastern Europe where she intended to install her ideologies in the countries in a bid to shield them from the influence of the capitalist. Regardless of complains from the other members of the alliance, Russia continued with her efforts to impose its communist ideologies on what they conquered. Russia was so powerful to the point of leaving the other members watching her impose her ideologies on large parts of Eastern Europe, Balkans, and even Poland.

Immediately after the Second World War ended, cold war term paper, the United States of America embanked on shipping of materials to the United Soviet Socialist Republic from America, cold war term paper. This indicated that the relationship between the two nations was only formed for winning the war with nothing else to bid it, cold war term paper.

The two nations differed on this and began a quick competition between them in order to determine who was superior to the other hence the Cold War. After the end of the Second World War, there existed a variation of perceptions between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union assumed that he would be assisted by America in reconstructing his country after the war in a bid to make Russia a good market for her industrial goods. The need for assistance arose because industrialisation and marketing of industrial goods had enabled the United States get out of the great depression. When World War II ended inthere were two bloc divisions in Europe.

Armies from western part of America occupied one side while armies from Russian east occupied the other bloc. The two blocs, capitalist America and communist Russia, had two opposing aspirations for Europe. The capitalist America wanted Europe to be democratic with no influence from communism while Russia sought after a non-capitalist Europe where it subjugated.

At the beginning, Joseph Stalin of Russia believed that capitalism would easily collapse due to the in fighting of its leaders Wettig and Haron However, with time, the leaders became more organised and powerful.

This intensified the rivalry. The west feared that Russia would invade them. On the other hand, Russia feared that the capitalists would make atomic bombs. The two blocs also differed in ideas of how the world order should be directed. The Soviets also feared that Germany might rearm herself and cause havoc in the world again. When the threat of global destabilisation by the Soviet Union became more apparent, America responded through enactment of the containment policy.

Inthe communist expansion seemed to expand with an alarming cold war term paper. For example, in Hungary, the government got into the hands of a true communist party cold war term paper entrenched the idea of one-party communism rather than democracy while the Czech Republic was taken over by a communist government that got into power through a coup. The bitterest part of these dynamics was that these two nations were determined to exist as neither communist nor capitalist.

Secondly, cold war term paper, the western European nations were still struggling to come out of the economic devastation by the impact of the Second World War. This made the United States believe that countries that sympathised with these Soviets would be influenced by their deteriorating economies Galley This made the United States initiate the Marshall Plan.

This was an economic order of economic aid, which was aimed at developing markets for both agricultural and industrial goods from America. It was also aimed at furthering the impact of the containment policy. The Marshall plan was carefully presented to countries in both west and east.

However, this plan was met with utmost rejection from soviet inclined countries due to the influence of Joseph Stalin. This confirmed the earlier doubt of its acceptance by the United States and hence the Cold War, cold war term paper. The Marshall plan was a great counter plan by the United States. The plan bore fruits for example when the communist coalition members were driven out of the government in France due to the impact of economic aids on America, cold war term paper.

America gave out foreign economic aids worth 13 billion dollars to 16 western nations from to This made the economies of these nations better, at the same time widening the gap between the nations and the soviets. The Marshall plan also created a clear economic partition between the soviets communist and the capitalist.

This division became so as evident as the economic divide that existed earlier on. Joseph Stalin countered the Marshall plan through the formation of the Commission cold war term paper Mutual Economic Aid COMECON. This was for all the communist member countries. This would exaggerate trade relations between communist member countries, cold war term paper.

In addition, he formed an organisation that united the communist countries cold war term paper all parts of the world with the cold war term paper aim of making communism a world order Caley 78 against the wish of the majority. On the other hand, the United States continued with its containment efforts. Following the impact of the political and economic outwits on the communist and the capitalist nations, Europe became a victim with one side, the capitalist being supported by America while the other side, cold war term paper, the communist, was supported by Russia.

East Germany was made a soviet satellite kind of state Wetting Germany now became a political and an economic battlefield for the two powers. Four powers namely France, Britain, cold war term paper, Russia, and even America occupied parts of Germany. The capital of Germany fell under the Russian soviet side. However, it was divided. Joseph Stalin made a physical blocade that separated the side of Berlin City in order cold war term paper compel the Allies to halt their move to divide Germany Miller and Galley To counter the effects of the Berlin wall, the Allied powers turned to physical airlifts of supplies to Berlin.

This Berlin Airlift went on for about eleven months. Worse still, cold war term paper, the airplanes that were airlifting supplies to Berlin had to fly over the soviet air space, an act that would have provoked Stalin to order for their shooting for violating their airspace.

However, due to the fear cold war term paper the occurrence of another war, the communists did not provoke war, as they realised that their earlier move of constructing the Berlin Wall did not work. Stalin opened the wall in In Berlin, Germany, the Cold War foundations almost led to real battle. The two major cold war term paper openly provoked each other with physical insults.

The communist built a blocade to physically block the capitalists from supplying aids to their regions while the capitalist flew their supply airlift planes over the communist territory with an open will that, if they shoot on their planes, the battlefield war would emerge immediately.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NATO was a military alliance that was formed in by the signing of the NATO treaty.

This treaty was signed by western powers in Washington, cold war term paper. At this time, the Berlin wall was still in enforcement by the soviets. The NATO was formed for the purposes of offering defense to the capitalists in case the soviets assaulted them within the ensuing competitive conditions. In retaliation, Russia intentionally detonated her first homemade atomic bomb in This was cold war term paper at deterring the speed that America was taking by diverting her attention to the eventuality of a nuclear war if Russia tried to assault the soviets.

Following this act, the NATO members decided to rearm to include western Germany into NATO. InWest Germany became a member of the NATO. To counter the impact of the formation of the NATO and the inclusion of West Germany into it, the eastern countries formed their own military alliance.

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The End of the Cold War Term Paper |

cold war term paper

“If You Believe the Negro Has a Soul”: “Back to Africa” with Marcus Garvey. Black Nationalist Marcus Garvey recognized that his Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) would find its most enthusiastic audience in the United States, despite the organization’s professed worldwide mission The Cold War: Causes, Treaties, and Ongoing Tensions. This 6 page paper traces the root causes of the Cold War all the way back to the Russian Civil War and discusses how the tensions premier. Sep 22,  · Cold war (Term Paper Sample) Instructions: Project description Hi this is my term paper. You have to use the readings blow. It doesn't really matter how many quote you use, but be sure your opinion and explanations. Thank you Essential reading for paper: 1. William R. Keylor, The Twentieth Century World and Beyond (5th ed) + one other

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